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Rogue Planet - Click to view! ROGUE PLANET - GREG BEAR (1999)
Executed with thrust and cogitation, this is the first Star Wars serial authored by renowned science fiction writer Greg Bear. To encapsulate my view on it: don't make this heavily-promoted book your first Star Wars novel—if you do, it will likely be your last. While an original thinker, Planet is not crafted with the same flow, pace, and ingenuity of Timothy Zahn's bestsellers, thus without a real 'trilogy-esque' color. As an addition to the Star Wars saga, Rogue Planet dissects the turbulent, interpolated adolescence of the prequel trilogy's main character—and offers foreknowledge of the awaited Episodes II and III. Full review...
Heir to the Empire - Click to view! HEIR TO THE EMPIRE - TIMOTHY ZAHN (1991)
Venturing beyond the familiar worlds of Tatooine, Endor and the like, Heir to the Empire shuttles readers from the dizzying heights of Kashyyyk, to the prestigious proceedings of Coruscant's Grand Council as it tracks the infancy of the New Republic. The latest threat facing it is not one to be scoffed at. The only remaining of Emperor Palpatine's trusted Grand Admirals, the half human Thrawn is bent on destroying the newly established democracy to restore the Empire. Concluding with an electrifying space conflict, this title not only brings back the rich Star Wars universe but also possesses a decided depth of thought and action, which is far more than what is possible in any movie. Full review...
Dark Force Rising - Click to view! DARK FORCE RISING - TIMOTHY ZAHN (1992)
The fictionist who's written a staggering 800,000 words in the Star Wars universe retaliates with Dark Force Rising, the second volume in the trailblazing Thrawn Trilogy. It canvasses atypical facets of the saga's adventurers and occurrences, adding human struggle to the alien landscape. After regrouping subsequent to the Battle of Sluis Van, Luke, Han, and Leia follow individual leads to defend Admiral Ackbar's integrity against baseless arraignments and upbuild the fledgling New Republic. Like the film Episode V--Empire Strikes Back, Dark Force Rising terminates on a disconcerting revelation, orbiting the ultimate resolution of this thoroughgoing series. Full review...
The Last Command - Click to view! THE LAST COMMAND - TIMOTHY ZAHN (1993)
A third of three climax, The Last Command brings to a close the many combatant devices and temperamental ideas of the best-selling, milestone Thrawn Trilogy. Achieving godlike status with Star Wars fanatics and high praise from readers across the board, author Timothy Zahn balances the grandiose and callow aspects of George Lucas's saga as convincingly as the creator himself--arguably better, as the writing medium can tell more by utilizing the reader's imagination. Clarifying what has gone on in the Trilogy's 700+ preceding pages, The Last Command is not merely a fitting end; it is a bold, earnest directive from an author that Star Wars needs much more of. Full review...
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